
Monthly evenings of eco-therapy and positive solitude.


A guided evening of eco-therapy rituals to get back to yourself.

Quarterly - 1.5 hours - in Edmonton

Get reset. Learn an eco-therapy practice that you can use immediately. Burn something - and get it out of the body.

We’ve been meeting under the full moon like full elves since 2018. Come get community time - where you don’t even have to talk if you don’t want to!

from CA$15.00


2 hours - in Edmonton

An introvert or anxious extrovert’s dream.

Cozy coffee shop vibes. Listening to a short, invigorating lecture. Then - bliss - sitting around quietly and reading. This? This is Late Night Library, folks!

  • Proper hot drinks

  • Books and journals available or bring yours

  • Learn something juicy in the areas of psychology, positive solitude or eco art therapy

Save the date: evening of Friday April 4th
Doors open for purchase end of March - link to buy opens then!